

Orientation and Reorientation

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Guiding students at every stage of their academic journey. Whether it’s choosing a field after high school or reorienting during their education.

  • Choosing a Field After High School
  • Reorientation During Education
  • Personalized Support
  • Choosing One's Path Wisely

Supporting students in Integration into Foreign Institutions

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We offer in-depth advice and guidance on the application process, including admission file preparation, required exams, and interviews. Our team also provides essential information on foreign educational institutions, visas, and logistical aspects of travel. Students have the choice between two options: either taking charge of their own applications and follow-up, with assistance provided by our institute, or our institute handles the applications and follow-up on their behalf.

Collaborative Workspace and CoWorking

Our collaborative space is specially designed to enhance the concentration of students and freelancers. This space offers an ideal environment for work, with quick access to Wi-Fi, relaxation facilities, catering service, and a dedicated relaxation area.

We believe in creating an environment conducive to collaboration and productivity. Our collaborative space aims to meet the varied needs of students and freelancers, providing an inspiring place where learning and work harmoniously intersect.

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Whether you’re a teacher, an independent trainer, or an organization looking for a teaching venue, our space is ready to accommodate your training needs with professionalism and commitment to educational quality. Headway Prep, your ideal partner for successful training sessions.

Training Space Rental

We provide our premises for training sessions conducted by teachers and freelancers.

Headway Prep Institute opens its doors for the rental of its space dedicated to training. Our premises offer an environment conducive to learning, designed to host educational sessions led by qualified teachers and freelancers.

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